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Themes 26/09/2024
Kiril Alexandrov Anguelov

Kiril Alexandrov Anguelov

Professor, Ph.D.; University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilskiz, Sofia, Bulgaria; Email:
Disasters, environment, and climate change


Prof. Kiril Al. Anguelov was born on October 1, 1947 in Kyustendil, Bulgaria. He received his Higher Education in May 1972 at the University of Mining and Geology, specialty "Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology", where in the same year on October 1, 1972 he started on a new position as an assistant (assistant professor).
In 1973, Kiril Al. Anguelov became a postgraduate student at the Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) under the leadership of Professor Evgenii Mikhailovich Sergeev. In only 3 years he managed to defend his PhD dissertation (thesis) on "Strengh-deformation properties of clay as affected by their microtexture and structural bonds".
After the defense of his doctoral dissertation, Kiril Al. Anguelov was employed as a lecturer at the St. Ivan Rilski University of Mining and Geology (Sofia, Bulgaria) and in 1985, he was elected as an associate professor. In 1985-2015, he delivered lectures at the university on engineering geodynamics, regional engineering geology and engineering geoecology. After his retirement from the University of Mining and Geology in 2015, Ass.Prof. Kiril Anguelov participated actively in the establishmentg of a new specialty “Geotechnics and Engineering Geology” at the University of Transport (Sofia, Bulgaria). Until present, he is lecturing at this university on special issues of engineering geology, namely, mitigation of landslide hazard.
In the course of his professional acitvity, Assoc. Prof. Kiril Anguelov was an invited lecturer in engineering geology in a number of countries: China, Japan, Russia, West Berlin, Cyprus, the Netherlands, Switzerland. At present, he is engaged in giving a cycle of lectures as a visiting professor at the University of Ocean (Qingdao, China).
Assoc. Prof. Kiril Anguelov is not only a university lecturer, but also a recognized Bulgarian expert and practicing geotechnical engineer in engineering geology of international repute. He is the founder and head manager of three geotechnical companies GEOTEHNIKA, BONDYS Ltd. and GEOLOBY Ltd.
In addition to his direct tutorial and scientific work in Bulgaria, Assoc. Prof. Anguelov is actively involved in the IAEG activities. He was one of the founders and establishers of the Bulgarian National Group of Engineering Geology. In 1982, by the recommendation of Prof. E.M. Sergeev, Prof. Marcel Arnould and Prof. Richard Wolters, the Bulgarian group was accepted as a member of the IAEG, with Prof. M. Minkov as the national group President and Assoc. Prof. K. Anguelov as a the Secretary. In 1990, K. Anguelov took the office of the Vice President IAEG for the Eastern Europe for the term 1990-1994. On his initiative, the European national groups IAEG were re-united on a new regional principle (in southern and northern parts of Europe instead of eastern and western parts). This measure helped to ensure the equivalence of all European engineer geologists in the IAEG.
Assoc. Prof. Anguelov actively and regularly participates in the activity of Executive Board of IAEG. Twice (in 2005 and in 2016), he organized the International Symposiums IAEG on Natural Disasters in Sofia. Being one of the oldest members of IAEG Council, he is aware of almost all changes in IAEG's activities and he keeps excellent collegial and personal friendly relations with the most active members of IAEG. He held especially cordial contacts with Academician Prof. E. Sergeev, Prof. Marcel Arnould, Prof. Michael Matoula, Prof. Richard Wolters, Prof. W.Dearman and others who are no longer with us. He still maintains the same active contacts with all IAEG members.
For his outstanding scientific achievements, Ass.Professor Anguelov has been awarded with two major international awards:
1.    The First Richard Wolters Prize for Young Scientists (1988)
2.    Academician E.M. Sergeev’s medal – the Russian award for the contribution to engineering geology (2014).
He is married and he has two sons, both of them are engineer geologists.

Disasters, environment, and climate change

It has been a growing concern that global warming will induce climate change and exacerbate natural disasters such as floods, landslides, erosion, and saline intrusion. These will be a threat to the socio-economic sustainability of developing countries in Asia, and Vietnam is not excluded. The strategies for mitigation and adaptation of the consequences caused by climate change are vital. Such strategies are determined by considering the circumstances of respective sites, which include natural, social, and human environments. In particular, countermeasures and adaptation strategies should not intrude on citizens but instead correspond correctly to desired objective site residents for their safe, assured, and peaceful everyday lives. 
This theme is not just an investigation, but a collaborative effort to understand how climate change impacts us, how we can adapt to climate change-induced disasters, and how we can develop sustainably, considering our diverse backgrounds such as culture, history, and way of life. We invite the participation of academia, engineers, planners, and citizens at every level, as your insights and experiences are integral to this process. Through this theme, we aim to establish a platform for mutual understanding and smooth collaboration between countries.

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